Our Cross Country Move | Seattle to Fort Wayne

Just over 5 months ago our family said goodbye to our home in Seattle and drove across the country to start a new chapter in Fort Wayne, Indiana! Here’s a recap!

We left on February first, early in the morning and tearfully said goodbye to the place we have loved for the last 10 years. I know the meaning of bittersweet so much more now from going through this process.

It was Will, myself and our daughters Piper (5yr) and Maggie 3 (yr) ALL that we had been living out of for the previous 3 weeks since our stuff had already been packed up in pods. Oh and my plants . . . I tried to bring all my plants. Soiler alert! They died. But I know my husband loves me because I got to attempt it! Here are a few images from that first day

Our stops included Twin Falls Idaho, Hotel in Wyoming, Mouth Rushmore in South Dakota and a few days in Minnesota to visit family before arriving in our New Home of Fort Wayne!! We played into our strengths of Will driving, me managing the kiddos and trying out Tablets for the girls! All in All it was a pretty successful road trip and we were grateful that the girls did so well!

Below are some more glimpses into our trip!

That is our cross country move in a nutshell! Thank you for keeping up with me and come on back for regular updates!


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